Packed Trump Rally At Neponset Drive-In Outrages Democrats - Why Weren't They Social Distancing? This Is Mass Murder! 1 Nov 2020
(Reuters) Despite warnings from Massachusetts Public Health authorities the Trump campaign held a large outdoor rally at Boson's Neponset Drive-In Movie Theater with its large screens and ample parking. The crowd was standing room only and people estimated more than ten thousand people were at the event. Boson Mayor Marty Welsh introduced President Trump and told the crowd not to forget to vote for him in the mayoral election in Boson.
The mayor's Democratic opponent City Council President Ema Strickland was visibly angry as she gave a Zoom response to the president's visit and rally. "He is literally killing people right in front of us," the shaking Councilor Strickland said. "Those people are packed together and spreading germs as they breath without masks. I can't look."
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